Blockgraph TV Advertising System Provides Viewer Privacy, Advanced Targeting, and Viewing Metrics

Breaking news broadcast vector futuristic background with world map. News broadcast and breaking news live illustration

Broadcasters need ways to provide customer privacy while being able to target ads based on viewer interests and activities. To make this possible, Comcast has setup the Blockgraph peer-to-peer advertising platform allows viewers to protect and control their data. It also can provide trusted ad viewing metrics to advertisers. The Blockgraph system provides a secure, privacy-optimized “identity layer” which securely gathers user information. Broadcasters and publishers can target delivery of their ads use to these criteria without getting access to the user identifying information. The system can also track ad delivery details providing broadcasters with new ways to measure and optimize their advertising campaigns.

To read the full press release, go to Businesswire Comcast Blockgraph Advertising

CYDigital Uses Blockchain for New Ways to Target and Deliver Search Results and Ads

CYDigital Blockchain Search & Advertising System

Advertisers want to insert ads when people are searching for specific items or topics. According to CYDigital and other research, a majority of ads are mistimed or mistargeted. Advertisers want trusted and low cost alternatives to search engines and online advertising systems. 80 percent of consumers believe that personal data is their property and that they should be able to use it as they see fit according to DMA research. To solve this challenge, CYDigital has setup a Blockchain system that provides ad targeting, protect viewer privacy, and provide detailed advertising metrics to the advertiser.

Read the Full Press Release at: CYDigital PR Web Press Release 

Source: PRWeb

Blockchain Media Magazine – December 2018

Blockchain Media Magazine December 2018
December 2018 Download:

The December 2018 edition of Blockchain Media Magazine provides a 5 year market forecast of Blockchain in the Media Industry (global and USA), covers key industry news topics. The articles: Blockchain Technology (part 1), Blockchain for Media (includes lists of Blockchains for funding, production, advertising, distribution, and others), and Introduction to Blockchain Law. The buyers guide lists and describes research companies that cover the Blockchain industry and produce market reports. An events list is included for upcoming Blockchain and media related trade shows worldwide.




Blockchain Technology (part 1)

Blockchains for Media

Introduction to Blockchain Law


To get the printed version of Blockchain Media Magazine – Go to: Blockchain Media Magazine Print

To get the electronic version of Blockchain Media Magazine – Go to: Blockchain Media eMagazine PDF